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Full CV as of August 2020

Published and Unpublished Work

Below is a list of my various research papers divided into four areas: Information and Communications Technology; Innovation,Innovation, Intellectual Property, and Publishing; Cooperative Game Theory; Non-Cooperative Game Theory; Public Economics and Political Economy; and Other Topics.

Information and Communications Technology

John P. Conley (2024) “Blockchain-Based Identity Solutions for Artificial Intelligence: Two-sided Virtual Markets without TrustMARBLE Conference Proceedings, (5th International Conference on Mathematical Research for Blockchain Economy), Forthcoming

John P. Conley (2024) “AI Needs Blockchain: Trustless Solutions to Failures in Machine to Colloidal MarketsManuscript, (A complete version of the paper above that includes a formal treatment of the game theory and other elements omitted in the interest of page limitations.)

John P. Conley (2024) “Information Economies with Taste Diversity and Bounded Attention SpansAnnals of Regional Science, Forthcoming

John P. Conley (2020) “Proof of Work and the Implications of the Halvening on Blockchain Security”

John P. Conley (2019) “Proof of Honesty: Coalition-Proof Blockchain Validation without Proof of Work or Stake

John P. Conley, (2019) “Blockchain as a Decentralized Mechanism for Financial Inclusion and Economic Mobility”, Vanderbilt University Department of Economics Working Papers, VUECON-19-00012

John P. Conley, (2019) “Economic Implications of New Technologies for Licensed and Unlicensed Spectrum”, Vanderbilt University Department of Economics Working Papers, VUECON-19-00011

John P. Conley, (2019) “Encryption, Hashing, PPK, and Blockchain: A Simple Introduction”, Vanderbilt University Department of Economics Working Papers, VUECON-19-00013

John P. Conley, (2017) “Blockchain and the Economics of Crypto-tokens and Initial Coin Offerings”, Vanderbilt University Department of Economics Working Papers, VUECON-17-00008

John P. Conley, (2017) “Blockchain Cryptocurrency Backed with Full Faith and Credit”, Vanderbilt University Department of Economics Working Papers, VUECON-17-00007

Ergin Bayrak, John P. Conley and Simon Wilkie (2011) “The Economics of Cloud Computing”, Korean Economic Review, Vol. 27, pp. 203-230

John P. Conley and Fan-chin Kung (2010) Private Benefits, Warm Glow and Reputation in the Free and Open Source Software Production Model”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, (Special issue edited by Ted Bergstrom, Parkash Chander and Lise Vesterlund), Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 665-689

Innovation, Intellectual Property, and Publishing

John Conley, Ali Sina Önder and Benno Torgler (2016)Are all Graduate Cohorts Created Equal? Gender, Unemployment, and Research Productivity Scientometrics, Vol. 108, pp. 937–958

John P. Conley and Ali Sina Önder (2014) The Research Productivity of New Ph.D.s in Economics: the Surprisingly High Non-Success of the Successful”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 28, pp. 205–216

John P. Conley Mario Crucini, Robert Driskill and Ali Sina Önder (2013) “The Effects of Publication Lags on Life Cycle Research Productivity in Economics”, Economic Inquiry, Vol. 51, pp. 1251–127

John P. Conley, (2012) “Low acceptance rates, commercial publishing, and the future of scholarly communication” Economics Bulletin, Vol. 32 No. 4 p.A37 (Letter to the Editor)

John P. Conley, Mario Crucini, Robert Driskill and Ali Sina Önder (2011) Publication lags and young economists’ research output, VOX, 24. October

John P. Conley and Myrna Wooders (2009) The Journal of Public Economic Theory at Ten Years Old”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 10, pp. 15 (Editorial Comment)

John P. Conley and Christopher Yoo (2009) “Nonrivalry and Price Discrimination in Copyright Economics”, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Vol. 157, pp. 101–130

John P. Conley and Myrna Wooders (2009) “But What Have You Done for Me Lately? Commercial Publishing, Scholarly Communication, and Open-Access”, Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol. 39, pp. 71–89

John P. Conley and Myrna Wooders (1999) “Public Economic Theory”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 1, pp.1-13 (Editorial Comment)

John P. Conley (1995) Book review of “Rejected: Leading Economists Ponder the Publication Process”, edited by George B. Shepherd, Thomas Horton and Daughters, Sun Lakes, AZ, for International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 6 pp. 441–2

Cooperative Game Theory

John P. Conley and Simon Wilkie (2012) “Ordinal Egalitarian Solution for Finite Choice Sets”, Social Choice and Welfare, Vol. 38, pp. 23-42

Bhaskar Chakravorti and John P. Conley (2004) “Bargaining Efficiency and the repeated Prisoners’ Dilemma”, Economics Bulletin, 2004, Vol. 3 pp. 1-8

John P. Conley Rich McLean and Simon Wilkie (1997) “Reference Functions and Possibility Theorems for Cardinal Social Choice Problems”, Social Choice and Welfare, Vol. 14, pp. 65–78

John P. Conley and Simon Wilkie (1996) “An Extension of the Nash Bargaining Solution to Nonconvex Problems”, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 13, pp. 26–38

John P. Conley and Simon Wilkie, (1991) “The Bargaining Problem without Convexity : Extending the Egalitarian and Kalai-Smorodinsky Solutions”, (1991) Economics Letters, Vol. 36, pp. 365–369

Non-Cooperative Game Theory

John P. Conley and William Neilson (2013) “Endogenous Coordination and Discoordination Games: Multiculturalism and Assimilation”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 92, pp. 176–191

John P. Conley and William Neilson (2009) “Endogenous Games and Equilibrium Adaptation of Social Norms and Ethical Constraints”, Games and Economic Behavior, Vol 6, pp. 761-774

Bhaskar Chakravorti, John P. Conley and Bart Taub (2002) “Probabilistic Cheap TalkSocial Choice and Welfare, Vol. 19, pp. 281–294

Bhaskar Chakravorti, John P. Conley and Bart Taub (1999) “Economic Applications of Probabilistic Cheap Talk”, in Topics in Mathematical Economics and Game Theory: Essays in Honor of Robert Aumann, M. Wooders, editor, Fields Institute Communication, Toronto, pp. 153–170

Bhaskar Chakravorti, John P. Conley and Bart Taub (1997) “On Uniquely Implementing Cooperation in the Prisoner’s Dilemma: Corrigendum”, Economic Theory, Vol. 9, pp. 377–378

Bhaskar Chakravorti, John P. Conley and Bart Taub (1996) “On Uniquely Implementing Cooperation in the Prisoner’s Dilemma”, Economic Theory, Vol. 80, pp. 347–66

Bhaskar Chakravorti and John P. Conley (1995) “Cheap Play with No Regret”, International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 24, pp. 223–237

John P. Conley and Simon Wilkie (1995) “Implementing the Nash Extension Bargaining Solution for Non-Convex Problems”, Economic Design, Vol. 1, pp. 205–216

Public Economics and Political Economy

John P. Conley, Robert Driskill and Ping Wang (2019) “Capitalization, Decentralization, and Intergenerational Spillovers in a Tiebout Economy with a Durable Public Good”, Economic Theory, Vol. 67, pp. 1–27

Nizar Allouch, John P. Conley and Myrna Wooders (2009) “Anonymous Price Taking Equilibrium in Tiebout Economies with a Continuum of Agents; Existence and Characterization”, Journal of Mathematical Economics (lead article), Vol. 45, pp. 492–510

John P. Conley, Ali Toossi and Myrna Wooders (2006) “Memetics and Voting: How Nature Makes us Public Spirited”, International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 35, pp.71–90

John P. Conley and Stefani Smith (2005) “Coasian Equilibrium”, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 41, pp. 687–704

Edward Cartwright, John P. Conley and Myrna Wooders (2005) “The Law of Demand in Tiebout Economies”, in The Tiebout Model at fifty : Essays in public economics in honor of Wallace Oates, William A. Fischel, editor, Lincoln Land Institute, Cambridge, MA

John P. Conley and Myrna Wooders (2004) “Hedonic Independence and the Taste-Homogeneity of Optimal Jurisdictions in Tiebout Economy Crowding Types”, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 75-76, pp. 197–219

John P. Conley and Stephanie Smith (2003) “Coalitions and Clubs: Existence, Decentralization, and Optimality”, in Group Formation in Economics : Networks, Clubs, and Coalitions Gabrielle Demange and Myrna Wooders, editors, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK

John P. Conley and Stefani Smith (2003) “Finite Decentralization in a Tiebout Economy with Crowding Types”, Social Choice and Welfare, Vol. 20, pp. 49–75

John P. Conley and Manfred Dix (2003) “Beneficial Inequality in the Provision of Municipal Services: Why Rich Neighborhoods should get Plowed First”, Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 70, pp. 731–745

John P. Conley and Hideo Konishi (2002) “Migration-Proof Tiebout Equilibrium: Existence and Asymptotic Efficiency”, Journal of Public Economics, Vol 86, pp. 243–62

John P. Conley and Myrna Wooders (2001) “Tiebout Economies Differential Genetic Types and Endogenously Chosen Crowding Characteristics”, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 98, pp. 261–294

John P. Conley and Akram Temimi (2001) “Endogenous Enfranchisement when Groups’ Preferences are Conflicting”, Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 109, pp. 79–102

John P. Conley and Manfred Dix (1999) “Optimal and Equilibrium Membership in Clubs in the Presence of Spillovers”, Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 46, 1999, pp. 215-229

John P. Conley and Myrna Wooders (1998) “Anonymous Lindahl Prices in a Tiebout Economy with Crowding Types”, Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 31, pp. 952–974

John Boyd III and John P. Conley (1997) “Fundamental Nonconvexities in Arrovian Markets and a Coasian Solution to the Problem of Externalities”, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 72, pp. 388–407

John P. Conley and Myrna Wooders (1997) “Equivalence of the Core and Competitive Equilibrium in a Tiebout Economy with Crowding Types”, Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 41, pp. 421–440

John P. Conley and Myrna Wooders (1997) “Anonymous Pricing in Public Goods Economies”, in Topics in Public Economics, D. Pines, E. Sadka, and I. Zilcha, editors, Cambridge University Press, pp. 89–120

John P. Conley and Myrna Wooders (1996) “Taste-Homogeneity of Optimal Jurisdictions in a Tiebout Economy Crowding Types and Endogenous Educational Investment Choices”, Recherché Economiche, Vol. 50, pp. 367–387

John P. Conley and Dimitrios Diamantaras (1996) “Generalized Samuelson and Welfare Theorems for Nonsmooth Economies”, Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 59, pp. 137–152

John P. Conley (1994) “Convergence Theorems on the Core of a Public Goods Economy: Sufficient Conditions”, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 62, pp. 161–185

Other Topics

John P. Conley and Ping Wang (2006) “Crime and Ethics”, Journal of Urban Economics, Vol. 60, pp. 107–123

John P. Conley and William Maloney (1995) “Optimal Sequencing of Credible Reforms Uncertain Outcomes”, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 48, pp. 151–163

John P. Conley (1993) “Speed of Convergence and Stopping Rules in an Iterative Planning Procedure for Nonconvex Economies”, Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 17, pp. 737–767